The 45 Days to Awakening Challenge

The next Challenge begins on November 2nd! 

Hurry because there is limited space and our previous challenges sold out.
(over 2,414 people have already taken the challenge!)

Register Now To Ensure Your Seat!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Once this cohort fills, we do not expect to be accepting registrations and this price again. This is a special cohort that is being partially supported by program alumni volunteers to keep the cost down for you. In the future, the price will increase.

Are You Ready to Try a Scientific Approach to Awakening That Actually Works? 

Millions of people around the world seek lasting peace and happiness, for their own reasons. 

But most never actually awaken or experience a transition into Fundamental Wellbeing.

They try new meditation techniques, attend numerous retreats, spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars a year in the pursuit of anything that seems like it might work… 

But in the end, it’s all the same. 

Some tradition or method that isn’t relevant to today, or doesn’t explain the full picture. 

More magical thinking that promises the world. 

Or just another guru sharing their ideas with little evidence of actual results. 

It’s no wonder why those methods never seem to work and so many who dedicate themselves are left feeling frustrated, disheartened, and like they are only getting further from their goal of persistent inner peace, and lasting happiness. 

But that’s what makes this challenge different. 

Are you ready to discover a scientific protocol for awakening that actually works? 

Where most methods fall short, lack evidence, and don’t seem to work for the vast majority of people…

What I’m sharing with you today is the only scientifically validated and evidence-based path to awakening that is accessible to everybody. So if you haven't had the awakening experience you wanted, or it faded as quickly as it arrived...

It's not your fault.

Over the years we discovered the myths that not only stop most methods from working for most people, but also...

After 15 Years of Research and Thousands of Participants, We Uncovered the Optimal Protocol to Awaken People Quickly, Safely and Reliably.

For the last 15 years, at the Center for the Study of Non-Symbolic Consciousness, we have been running the world’s only large scale scientific project doing research into highest forms of Fundamental Wellbeing, lasting inner peace, ongoing happiness and mystical states of consciousness…

Working with thousands of participants, for over a decade, to create the ultimate path to awakening based on definitive data, and not dogma. 

To do this, first we mapped the territory of consciousness and the levels we wanted to achieve. 

Then we tested the many methods for helping people achieve those levels, and more importantly, stay there. 

We did this with thousands of participants, helping them each experience their own awakening to fundamental wellbeing, persistent peace and lasting happiness, while gathering the data. 

And now, finally, after over a six years of evolution and iteration, and a thousand persistent and lasting awakenings…

We’ve used our findings to make this proven process faster, more effective, more affordable and easier to fit into your lifestyle, and...

The results have been nothing short of incredible. 

In fact...

“In just 6 Weeks, 65% of Participants Who Did This Persistently Awakened.”

Are you ready to learn how?

Not only did the majority of people who took this challenge persistently awaken, but 98% of everyone who participated was grateful they took the time to do it.

And now, we’re making this proven process for awakening available to everyone. 

So that you, and anyone you know, can experience their own awakening and transition into Fundamental Wellbeing and persistent mystical states, not in years…

Or even months…

But just 45 days, or less. 




The World’s Only Scientifically Validated Path To Awakening 

Taking the best of positive psychology, cognitive science and neuroscience, The 45 Days to Awakening is the world’s first and only scientifically validated path to awakening. 

Whether you have never experienced an awakening event before in your life, or already have a dedicated meditative practice and want help maintaining it or getting more out of it…

The 45 Days to Awakening Challenge is guaranteed to help you experience a transition into and maintain a state of persistent inner peace, happiness and Fundamental Wellbeing in as little as 45 Days.

Over the next 45 days you will be guided through meditation and positive psychology's ‘greatest hits’ methods, proven to transition the most people, in the least amount of time.

When you join you’ll be welcome by our wonderful, non-judgmental community of fellow seekers and Finders who are on the same journey as you, supporting each other along the way.

And guided by our helpful, transparent course staff committed to supporting you in this challenge. 

Giving you not only a scientifically validated process for awakening, but also a welcoming environment to learn, grow and explore within. 

So, you have everything you need to experience your own transition or deepening into fundamental wellbeing not in years, or months.

But just 45 days or less. 

During the Challenge, You Will Discover:

- Discover and try the ‘greatest hits’ methods of meditation, cognitive science and positive psychology that have proven to transition the most participants into a persistent state of Fundamental Wellbeing in just 45 days or less. 

-  A proven path to transition into an ongoing state of persistent inner peace, happiness and Fundamental Wellbeing, regardless of what happens to be going on in the external world, personally feeling more than okay and in control of your own consciousness.  

- Discover your unique path to awakening and a dynamic approach to discover exactly what methods will trigger your transition, so you can effortlessly flow into states of Fundamental Wellbeing without the unnecessary frustration and years of wasted time that come with isolated experimentation. 

- Learn the true intellectual history of centuries of transpersonal psychology and research on awakening, non-duality, ongoing states of persistent non-symbolic experience, unitive experiences, enlightenment, and many, many more…

- Discover the new continuum of consciousness uncovered from over 15 years of research that unites all theological traditions that came before it, how to discover what location on the continuum you land in, and how to deepen into the location that gives you the level of consciousness that you find most enjoyable and which is most appropriate for your life. 

- Experience phenomenologically true freedom and a deepening awareness of self and your relationship to the universe, as well as the other phenomenological manifestations as you deepen into more profound, altered and persistent states of consciousness along the continuum. 

- Learn to produce genuine states of love, peace and joy from within, regardless of your external circumstances or what is going on in the world—so you can be a light in your own life and to those who need you the most. 

- Discover a non-dogmatic, secular, and demystified path to mystical states, awakening, and advanced forms of consciousness that gives you direct access to experiences of the divine and the higher levels of consciousness available to all. 

- Overcome the fear of experiencing an awakening event or transition, and have comfort in your own deepening into a persistent state of Fundamental Wellbeing that only improves your relationship to yourself and those you care most about. 

- Discover a precise map to pinpoint exactly what location of consciousness you are in, what other locations are possible for you, and how to shift yourself into the consciousness that best suits the lifestyle you want to have. 

- Find comfort in a new level of consciousness that is more pleasant and enjoyable than you could have imagined, and finally let go of lesser states that hold you back from your true potential. 

- Save hundreds of hours of time normally spent seeking and experimenting with methods on your own, unguided, by beginning a practice that helps you find your ‘meditation fit’ and provides you with the most profound shift in consciousness each day by optimally focusing and sequencing your effort.

- Join a community of other conscious individuals who have spent years of their lives seeking and experimenting with other contemplative and spiritual methods, committed to helping you along your journey and enriching your life along the way. 

- Receive personalized guidance from our helpful, transparent and committed course staff and volunteer alumni who have been on the same journey you are going through now, and will help you get to the other side. 

- And much, much more… 
The 45 Days to Awakening Challenge is not just a course, but an experiential program where you will learn, apply and get tangible results in your own life. Giving you a true and very achievable challenge to experience persistent awakening for yourself in the next 45 days. 

Resulting in your personal transition to a state of persistent happiness, and Fundamental Wellbeing—like the many participants before you.
Are you ready to be the next to awaken with this protocol?

Join The 45 Days to Awakening Challenge Now

Join the November 2nd 45 Days to Awakening Challenge and pay only $997 $497 for a limited time with this special volunteer supported cohort, but hurry because there is limited space and our 5 previous challenges sold out (over 2,414 people have already taken the challenge)! 

Once this cohort fills, we will no longer be accepting registrations and this price will my not be available.

This is a special cohort that is being supported by program alumni to keep the cost down for you. In the future, the price will increase.
So, don't hesitate. Join now. 

Meet Your Instructor and the Scientist Behind the Research and This Experiment, Dr. Jeffery Martin:

Jeffery is a founder of the Transformative Technology space, a serial entrepreneur and investor, and a social scientist who researches personal transformation and the states of greatest human wellbeing.

Over the last 15 years Jeffery has conducted the largest international study on Fundamental Wellbeing which includes the ways of experiencing life commonly known as: persistent awakening, enlightenment, non-duality, the peace that passeth understanding, unitive experience, and hundreds of other terms. 

This resulted in the first reliable, cross-cultural and pan-tradition classification system for these types experience. 
It also led to the fundamental discovery that these were psychological states that had been identified and adopted for thousands of years by many cultures and belief systems. They were not inherently spiritual or religious, or limited to any given culture or population, and could be molded in many ways to shape the experience. 

Over the last 6 years, he has used this research to make systems available to help people obtain profound psychological benefits in a rapid, secular, reliable, and safe way.

Jeffery is a bestselling author and award-winning educator who has authored, co-authored, or co-edited over 20 books and numerous other publications. He is the author of the landmark book in this field, "The Finders".

His work has regularly been featured at leading academic conferences worldwide, as well as major public forums such as Deepak Chopra’s Sages and Scientists Symposium, Wisdom 2.0, H+, the Science and Nonduality Conference, the Asia Consciousness Festival, and TEDx. 

He has been covered in media as diverse as the South China Morning Post and PBS’s Closer to Truth, and been an invited speaker at many top universities including: Harvard, Yale, University of London, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the National University of Singapore. 

He is the Director of the Center for the Study of Non-Symbolic Consciousness (the academic term for Fundamental Wellbeing), a Director and Professor at the Transformative Technology Lab in Silicon Valley, and a Lecturer at Stanford University. He was formerly Distinguished University Professor, the William James Professor of Consciousness Studies, and Dean of Research at Sofia University.
Are you wondering what other participants in the last few months have to say about their experiences with this challenge?

What Other Participants Say About
The 45 Days to Awakening Challenge: 

"The best meditation program I’ve ever done. Nothing else has compared to this program, I would highly recommend it without any hesitation.”

“I really felt a profound gratitude and connectedness to everything. I was struck about how fast that happened. That was really quite extraordinary. There was a dramatic reduction in my self chatter. How targeted and focused the whole approach was, was really quite amazing. The best meditation program I’ve ever done. Nothing else has compared to this program, I would highly recommend it without any hesitation.”

Brad Hendricks
April 2020 Cohort

"You feel like the inner peace is integrated into your daily life."

“Doing the 45 days program at home made it so much easier to integrate the experience into my daily life, as opposed to come back from a retreat and losing that peak experience as I got “hit with reality” again. You feel like the inner peace is integrated into your daily life.“

Jamie Thomson
May 2020 Cohort

"It's just unbelievably valuable...."

"It's just unbelievably valuable.... it's really obvious to see that the team very much loves what they put together and is really committed to helping other people arrive at fundamental wellbeing as well."

Cat O'Donnel
April 2020 Cohort 

“I had my first experience of non-duality, and that word really doesn’t even do justice to what that feels like.”

Joan Sumner
April 2020 Cohort

"I found the course to be amazingly effective."

"I was so impressed with the organization of the different technologies, the different meditation techniques, and how, Jeffery had woven the different meditation techniques and ideas into a real step-by-step, comprehensive, build ... until you just came to that pop place where you could have exactly what the course is designed for, that really amazing shift in your perspective where all of a sudden you're just like, "Oh. Oh my God, I'm not who I thought I was. Oh my God, things now make sense. Oh, I feel so relaxed and so peaceful." 

Cate Montana
April 2020 Cohort

"My favorite part was that this program allowed me to be out in the world living, and still really have some profound experiences."

“The exercises and meditations were very new. It was completely do-able, I felt very supported. Experiencing the awareness exercises with others, just made it all seem more natural. The mediations were really easy to work with, really engaging. My favorite part was that this program allowed me to be out in the world living, and still really have some profound experiences. The nuances of recognizing, and what to do with it, are so helpful for deepening. I’m so happy I did the 45 days.”

Tonette Ross
April 2020 Cohort

Curious if this will work for you, too? Here's what our data says.

These Results are Typical.

In our scientific study involving 245 people in the first two cohorts of the program:

65% of participants who completed The 45 Days to Awakening Challenge and Experiment persistently awakened. 

25% of the rest had temporary experiences of awakening and were guided in how to sink in so they could lock it in after the program.

In other words 90% of people who took the challenge experienced either persistent or temporary awakening during the program.

Another couple hundred people entered the program already in a place of Fundamental Wellbeing, and reported finding methods that produced a measurable shift in consciousness to help them deepen further. 

Not only did the majority of seekers who participated in the experiment persistently awaken, but 98% of everyone who participated was grateful they took the time to do it.
Wondering why you should try this now?

Our Growing Commitment to Making This Accessible For Everyone:

While our 4 month long flagship Finders Course program, which is where this experiment first began in 2014, is still regarded by many who take it as a godsend at $3000, we know that for many people this amount of time and money make it inaccessible.

Many of the alumni who have taken the 45 Days to Awakening Challenge, believe so much in the transformation it helps provide—they have offered to volunteer in making this process cheaper and more accessible for others. 

So, thanks to the amazing volunteers who have dedicated their time, effort, and energy in supporting this program and its participants, we are now able to do what we only dreamed of doing before...

...And gratefully announce that the 45 Days to Awakening program is 92% less expensive than the Finders Course, costing just $997 $497 for this cohort of the full program!

This program is about waking up the world safely, rapidly, and reliably. 

So that you and everyone you know who needs it can experience a transition to Fundamental Wellbeing in this lifetime and maximize your true potential. 

Join us, and be the next to experience an awakening. 

And if you need more assurance than this or the science behind this challenge, when you join today are you also…

You’re Protected By Our 'Try It Out' Guarantee

To really encourage as many people as possible to make this transition, we are even offering a 100% money back guarantee on The 45 Days to Awakening Challenge through the first two sessions.

So you can begin the challenge, try it out for yourself, and finally experience lasting inner peace—at no risk to you. 

This way you can experience the challenge and during the first two sessions if you want to drop out, for any reason, just let us know and you'll get your money back. No questions asked. 

As you can see, we’re extremely grateful and excited to be able to bring these research findings to spiritual seekers and others who are generally looking to experience less fear, anxiety, worry, and discontentment, and more joy, inner, peace, freedom and equanimity in their moment to moment experience.

Which is why we are letting you try 1/6th of the challenge at no risk to you. 

We’re doing this so that today you don't have to say yes. You only have to say maybe, so you can find out if this is for you and experience the results for yourself. 
Are you ready to experience this for yourself?

Experience Your Awakening: Join the 45 Days to Awakening Challenge Now 

What you get when you join now: 

- The full 45 Days to Awakening Challenge curriculum, which is non-dogmatic, demystified, and high quality course material designed to help you experience your transition into Fundamental Wellbeing in just 45 days or less. 

- Guidance from our helpful, transparent and committed course staff to support you in your challenge and provide a welcoming environment to learn, grow and explore within. 

- Instant access to our wonderful non-judgmental community of fellow seekers and Finders who are on the same journey as you, so you can support each other along the way. 

- Experience nearly the same success rate as the legendary full Finders Course protocol, in only 1/3 the time.

- Get 92% off the price of the Finders Course protocol—for this cohort only, thanks to the generous support from our 45 Days Alumni volunteers. 

- Two full sessions to try The 45 Days to Awakening Challenge, and discover exactly if this is for you, or your money back.

The 45 Days to Awakening Challenge is an action based program, designed to get you results. It is not about learning concepts or theories. It's only goal is to help you experience your transition to Fundamental Wellbeing.

We’ve designed this offer to be completely no risk, and priced it to make this an absolute no brainer so that you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. 

So, if you're finally ready to stop seeking, and find the lasting inner peace you've been looking for...now is your chance!

Join The
45 Days to Awakening Challenge

For only $997 $497.

But only when you join now.

So, don’t wait until it is too late. 

Seats are limited and this class will sell out like all four of the previous challenges have. Over 2,414 people have already taken the challenge.

Join now. End the seeking. And experience a lasting awakening for yourself, like the hundreds of participants before you.

The Pre-Week starts on November 2nd, so
register now to guarantee your seat.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Fundamental Wellbeing, I've never heard of this term before?
Fundamental Wellbeing is our research project's public term for ways of experiencing life commonly known as: persistent awakening, nonduality, enlightenment, the peace that passeth understanding, unitive experience, persistent mystical experience, and hundreds of others. The term refers to a persistent, ongoing, moment-to-moment experience, not a temporary experience (unless noted). Our academic terms for these types of experience are ongoing and persistent forms of non-symbolic experience.
What is the origin of the methods used in The 45 Days to Awakening Challenge?
The sequences of methods shared in the challenge come from over 15 years of research at the Center for the Study of Non-Symbolic Consciousness. Phase of the global research project involved 1,200 people who reported persistent awakening, nonduality, enlightenment, and so forth (Fundamental Wellbeing). Each of these individuals was asked what transitioned them. 

Those methods were then reduced to their core non-religious elements, sorted for effectiveness, adjusted based on the latest understandings from psychology and neuroscience, and experimented with to determine an optimum order to do them in. Modern "gold standard" positive psychology and cognitive science exercises were added to enhance safety and effectiveness.

This protocol was then used in our "gold standard" Finders Course experiments, which transitioned 70% of individuals who completed them in under 4 months, and produced highly significant changes in scientific measures of wellbeing, positive and negative emotion, personality, loneliness, stress, depression, anxiety, and more.

During 6 years of the Finders Course experiments we noticed that 60% of the 70% of participants who transitioned to Fundamental Wellbeing used only a subset of the overall protocol. That smaller part of the overall protocol was adapted to become the 45 Days to Awakening Challenge and Experiment protocol, with a 65% success rate in participants who completed it transitioning to Fundamental Wellbeing, and another 25% of participants experiencing temporary periods of Fundamental Wellbeing. As with the full Finders Course protocol, 45 Days participants had highly significant changes in scientific measures of wellbeing, positive and negative emotion, loneliness, stress, depression, anxiety, and more.
How is this program different, why should I take it instead of another one?
This is the only scientifically-derived, secular program that is focused on helping you to transition to Fundamental Wellbeing (i.e.: persistent awakening, nonduality, enlightenment, etc.). It's based on research that scoured the world for the best methods, improved upon them to ensure they matched the modern brain and nervous system, combined with with other gold standard psychology and cognitive science practices to ensure safety and increase efficacy, and rigorously tested and improved the protocol using the scientific method. It's truly unlike anything else, and our methods have transitioned over 1,000 people in the last 6 years - including many who'd given up all hope that they would ever reach Fundamental Wellbeing.

One of the key aspects of the program is that it is based on our finding that you must find the best method for you, and that when you do it shouldn't take you more than a week to transition to Fundamental Wellbeing. We've assembled a precisely tuned cocktail to help you do just that. During the 45 Days to Awakening Challenge and Experiment, this protocol transitioned 65% of people who used it to Fundamental Wellbeing, and provided another 25% with temporary access to the experience and knowledge of how to deepen and lock it in after the program ended. 98% of participants who completed the experiment reported being satisfied and grateful with the results.
I'm a long time meditator and have tried everything, is this program for me?
It's common for long time meditators to take this program, and given the 98% satisfaction rating that the 45 Days to Awakening Challenge and Experiment has, it's safe to say they found strong benefits by doing so. Long time seekers become Finders, and long time meditators often comment that they find progress that they hadn't experienced in years. 
What if I’ve never meditated before?
If you’re never meditated before, the 45 Days to Awakening Challenge will help you get started in the most effective way possible. And save you from wasting time on method that don’t work fo you, as you find your meditation fit and experience your own transition to fundamental wellbeing. 
Is this program for me if I'm just looking for meditation?
Although this program is focused on helping you to reach Fundamental Wellbeing, that also makes it an outstanding meditation program. If you're just looking to establish, re-establish, or improve your meditation practice, the program will be very helpful for you. It introduces you to many of the most effective meditation methods in the world, in a safe and supportive environment so that you can explore and find the ones best suited to you.
How is the course delivered?
The course is delivered online, via text and video. You can take the program from anywhere in the world. You'll need a device capable of accessing the internet, and an internet connection fast enough to watch videos online. You should also obtain and read Dr. Jeffery A. Martin's book, "The Finders" either prior to or as part of the program.
Is the course self-paced?
The program is not self-paced. It is a very precise cocktail. There are exercises to do each day, and you do have flexibility in when you do the exercises, however they must be completed at some point that day. New content for the course becomes available once or twice a week, typically on Saturdays and Wednesdays. Some weeks only have content delivered on Saturday. You'll begin practicing the content on the day it is released, and continue to follow those instructions until the next content is delivered.
Can I take the program from where I live in _________ ?
Participants take the program from all over the world. As long as you have reliable internet access and can stream videos with no problem, you can take the program. Content is released at 1 a.m. EST, but you can watch it anytime after that during your day. Some people need to wait and start each session on the following day, which is fine.
What are the exercises like, how much time is required?
The course takes an hour and a half a day in order to maximize your opportunity to experience a transition to lasting Fundamental Wellbeing in 45 days or less. People transition throughout the program, and even in the first week. This daily practice allows you to try the various methods shared, while still only committing the same amount of time each day, so you can easily fit it into your current lifestyle. 

There are about 10 hours of videos in the course, which average out to just over an hour a week (including the pre/orientation week, and the post/wrap-up week). There are 4 types of exercises in the program. Each morning just before you get out of bed, and each evening just before you go to sleep you'll do some positive psychology exercises for a few minutes. You'll spend one solid hour per day doing a meditation practice or cognitive science based exercise. Some weeks will have an additional positive psychology exercise or two for you to complete, such a gratitude exercise. And, some weeks will have an additional meditation exercise for you to do once or twice for about an hour, in addition to your standard hour. 
How many practices are in the course?
There are approximately 10 positive psychology and cognitive science practices integrated into the course, and around 13 gold-standard meditation methods.
Do I need any special equipment, a quiet environment, or anything else?
You need a device which can access the internet, and enough internet bandwidth to stream video. You do not need any other special equipment. There are no required clothing, meditation seats or cushions, etc. You will need a place where you will not be disturbed for an hour each day, but it doesn't have to be quiet. You just need to make sure no one interrupts you.
What kind of support is provided during the program? What happens if I'm not "getting it"?
Support is provided in various ways during the program. First, the cohort you're in will have it's own Facebook group that the staff and alumni volunteers participate in. You don't have to participate in it if you don't want to, but most participants find it a rich source of support. There is also an email help desk system that is supported by the staff. Each cohort of the program has a staff clinician (psychologist) that monitors it and intervenes if s/he feels it is appropriate. There is also a phone number for any emergencies that arise.

Every participant fills out a short survey at the end of each session that is used to track his or her progress. These combine with Facebook group interactions (if you choose to participate), email support communications, and so on to give us an overall glimpse into where you're at and how you're doing. Staff members and volunteers who are alumni of the program work to keep track of how you're doing and support you in making maximum progress during the program. In extreme cases this can even include one-on-one phone or zoom calls to ensure you're on track and "getting it".
What if I fall behind during the program, need a time out, or miss a day of practice?
One of the great things about this program is that it is embedded in your life. Missing a day during the program happens and is fine, but if you fall seriously behind or have to stop because of other circumstances in your life, you're always welcome to defer your enrollment and take a later program.
Besides the practices, are there journaling requirements?
We do not recommend that people journal in the program. You'll learn more about why, and the dangers of that in terms of reaching Fundamental Wellbeing, during the pre-week. There are pre and post scientific measures, and short post-session surveys that are used by the staff to track your progress, and can be used by you as a record of your progress as well in lieu of a journal.
Will waking up change me as a person?
While waking up and transitioning to fundamental wellbeing does dramatically change our experience of life, it doesn't change your personality. Different locations of consciousness do feel different and can dramatically improve many aspects of your life. Throughout the protocol we will help you identify which location you are in, and how to continue to one that more suits how you want to feel. 
Will I benefit from doing this course even if I don’t transition to Fundamental Wellbeing?
Not everyone who takes the program transitions to Fundamental Wellbeing, but 98% of people who take it report being grateful they did. The course brings many benefits in terms of wellbeing, positive emotion, reductions in stress, anxiety, loneliness and more for those who take it, regardless of whether they transition or not.
Does this course being about a permanent change, or will I still have to practice to keep whatever I've achieved going?
The course is designed to create a persistent, ongoing change to Fundamental Wellbeing for participants. However, it is important to note that this needs to be respected, as it can be lost. While many traditional views of Fundamental Wellbeing refer to this as permanent, our large, global scientific process revealed that this was not the case - even in traditions that believed it was. There are not specific, ongoing practices for those who transition during the course to keep doing, however we do recommend that they respect Fundamental Wellbeing, nurture it, help it to deepen by sinking in to it, and so on. More about how to do that can be found in our Explorers Course program.

65% of participant in the 45 Days to Awakening Challenge and Experiment reported a transition to Fundamental Wellbeing, and another 25% reported temporary experiences of Fundamental Wellbeing. For the latter, we make specific recommendations to help them to keep going in the right direction after the program ends so they can lock in persistence.
My mind is very chatty, and meditation is hard for me. How will I last an hour? Can I meditate for a shorter time and still be successful?
This is very common for us to hear from people prior to the program. Many people have never meditated for a full hour, yet that is without a doubt what is most effective if you want to reach Fundamental Wellbeing. Our process makes this nearly effortless. We worked very hard to get not only the right methods, but optimum sequence of methods to help you slide right into longer period of meditation with ease. To be candid, it's almost a waste of your time to meditate for less than an hour, unless your goal is just moderate relaxation or stress reduction.
Can my partner, family member, friends, co-workers, etc. take this with me?
Definitely. We recommend that you go through the program with at least one other person that you know. Our full 4-month long Finders Course uses small groups, group facilitators, and so on. That's possible in a $3000, gold-standard program, but not in a shorter and more affordable program like this one. Nonetheless, we know the benefits of it. So if you know someone you think you'd like to take it with, send them the registration link and invite them along!
How do I know if the program is right for me?
Our scientifically-derived method approach is designed to give you the best possible chance of finding the method that will transition you to Fundamental Wellbeing. The program helps about 65% of participants who complete it reach Fundamental Wellbeing in less than 45 Days. Only our 4-month, $3000US Finders Course program has anything even close to these odds. And, you can take advantage of our special "try it out" guarantee, and get a refund if  you don't think the program is a fit for you once you're in it.
How will I know if I'm successful?
You may be thinking to yourself, "how could I not know if I transitioned to Fundamental Wellbeing," but actually there are people who miss it. Even major experts missed their own transition for a period of time. One of the great things about the 45 Days to Awakening Challenge is the education and progress tracking that accompanies it to ensure that you know where you're at from the start of the course, through every step, so you can maximize your progress.
If my life isn’t bad, should I risk it?
Many people who take The 45 Days to Awakening Challenge are already Finders, or already experience some level of Fundamental Wellbeing. They usually take the program to learn more about the continuum of locations of consciousness, and gain access to methods to shift them deeper, gain control over ‘where they land’, and bring more awareness to this process. 
Can I read more about the research?
You can view more of our published research, findings, and lectures here. 
Is there any interaction with other participants?
This is entirely up to you. You can go through the program entirely on your own if you'd like. There is one major exercise that it is best to do with others, but an alternative solo version is available to use if you'd prefer to use it. Many participants report that finding so many like minded souls is among their favorite parts of the program. Each cohort gets their own Facebook group which the staff and volunteers actively participate in. There is also an alumni Facebook group for those who successfully complete the program. 
How is this different than The Finders Course?
The Finders Course is 4 months long, takes as much as 3.5 hours per day, and costs around $3000. It is unquestionably the gold-standard course for those looking to reach Fundamental Wellbeing, and if you have the time and money you should absolutely take it. By contrast, the 45 Days to Awakening Challenge is only 6 weeks long, takes about an hour and a half a day, and costs only $997 $497 (this cohort). It was designed to be a much more affordable option. Approximately 70% of participants who completed the Finders Course experiments transitioned to Fundamental Wellbeing, versus 65% in the 45 Days to Awakening Challenge and Experiment.
What happens after the course, will I lose access to the materials? Is there continued support?
If you make it all the way through the program, and complete it, you'll be granted access to the alumni edition of the program. This is a special courseroom that ensures you always have the most up to date version of the course, no matter which one you attended. You'll also be granted access to the 45 Days to Awakening Facebook alumni group, which is a rich source of interaction among all those who have successfully completed the program.

The program guides you in what to continue to do after it to maintain your progress. If you don't transition, there are some specialized extension programs that may be offered to help you, depending on what we see happening with you. If you do transition, there are follow-up support programs like the Explorers Course and Exemplar Program that are designed to help Finders optimally integrate Fundamental Wellbeing into their lives.
If I have an existing practice, will this take away from it? 
Those who take the challenge with an existing contemplative practice and recommended to continue with their existing practices, so long as they don’t take away from the time dedicated to the methods in this program. If your practice continues to help you as you do the challenge, you’re welcome to continue, but you may not need to with the results you get as you experience and deepen into your own transition. 
How much does the program cost? How can I pay? Is a payment plan available?
The program costs $997 $497US (this cohort). There is no payment plan available, and payment must be made in full during enrollment. The program can only be purchased online with a credit or debit card. We use Stripe for all payment processing.
If it's not for me, can I get a refund?
Absolutely. Try the first two session (the first week) and if it doesn't seem like the program is for you just let us know and we'll be happy to refund you - no questions asked!
Is there anyone who shouldn't take the program?
Yes. If you have a serious psychological condition that requires medication, you should not take the program. This includes individuals who are bipolar, psychotic, and so on. Mild depression is fine, but individuals with clinical depression that involves suicidal ideation should avoid the program. If you have questions about whether this applies to you and your situation, please email support at: support@45days.one.

Are you ready to become a Finder?

Now is Your Chance to End The Cycle of Seeking

Whatever you do, don’t leave today wondering whether lasting inner peace is possible for you. 

If you’ve been struggling, it is not your fault. Many spend their entire lives seeking, and most never find what they’re looking for. Or only find it close to the end of their lives—missing out on years of inner peace, happiness, and joy and the depth of life that can only come from deep presence. 

And you can still experience this transition even during the challenging times we live in. In fact, hundreds of people have in the past few months alone. 

It doesn’t have to be hard to experience a transition to fundamental wellbeing and you don’t have to renounce your modern life or commitments to people you care about. 

This is all to say: It doesn’t have to be hard to experience an awakening and transition to lasting inner peace and Fundamental Wellbeing yourself.

Let yourself benefit from decades of research and help from many participants who came before you—and let this be easy. 

You can experience a level of moment-to-moment wellbeing and inner peace that is almost impossible to describe, and now it is more accessible and convenient than ever.

This is literally the best time ever to join. So, join us now. Challenge yourself. And experience your own persistent awakening in the next 45 Days. 

Join the 45 Days to Awakening Challenge Now 

Join the 45 Days to Awakening Challenge and Experiment for only $997 $497, but only when you join now. There's a limited number of seats available. All previous cohorts have sold out. This class will too. The Pre-Week starts on November 2nd, so register now to guarantee your seat. Don't miss out!
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